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Experience New Workflows with Our Partner Integrations As a platform, Medit Link partners with various global solution providers who share the same idea of growth through openness. Together, we strive to bring our users new workflows that define the future of digital dentistry. Try out New Functions via App Box Extensions Introducing the App Box…

Ko Donghwan, Director of D-Lab and Medit Link power user, he shares with us a case he worked on using Medit i500 scan data. This is a “Gypsumless digital workflow” case done in collaboration with Dr. Kim Jong-yup, Director of Boston Smart Dental Private Practice. The following is the case study shared by Ko, in…

Dr. Vas Srinivasan is an experienced orthodontist from Australia who recently tested the Medit i500 intraoral scanner for orthodontic use cases and supported the scanner validation for the Spark aligner workflow. We took this opportunity to talk to him in order to find out how intraoral scanning benefits his work, and what advice he would…

Today, we’re introducing yet another popular feature in iScan V1.3 – the A.I. Abutment and Scanbody Matching function. We’ve received many enquiries about how this function works so read on to find out how it can ease your work! What exactly is the A.I. Abutment and Scanbody Matching feature? To put it simply, this feature allows users to register…

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